Low Five Gaming

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

June 15, 2023 Studio Low Five Episode 24

In this spoiler-free episode, hosts Alex and Luke dive into the expansive world of "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom," the eagerly-awaited sequel to "Breath of the Wild." Despite Luke's 50-hour gameplay journey, he's yet to progress the storyline past the Wind Temple, which allows us to keep the major plot points under wraps.

Developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch, Tears of the Kingdom propels you into the sprawling landscapes of Hyrule and the mysterious islands floating in the vast skies above​​. The game is a testament to Nintendo's commitment to addressing player critiques from the last game and enhancing the gameplay experience in this latest entry.

We explore a range of topics, from the intricate map design and the joy of exploration, to the innovative weapon durability system. The master hand, fuse, and ascend abilities are other standout features that get our attention in this discussion.

Of course, comparisons to Breath of the Wild are inevitable, and we delve into why Tears of the Kingdom stands tall as a fantastic sequel. If you loved the first game, this follow-up seems to take everything to the next level.

Tears of the Kingdom has received acclaim for its improvements, expanded open world, and features encouraging exploration and experimentation. It sold more than 10 million copies in its first three days of release. As of publication, the game has a score of 95 on metacritic.com

This episode is unofficially brought to you in part by dads.

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Theme music is by AJ Norman. Design assets were created by Studio Day Job.

Low Five Gaming is a Studio Low Five Production.


Hello, hello and welcome to Breath of the Wild 2, breath of the Wilder. This is the low five pie. Yeah, it's with Alex and.


Luke How you doing boss. What up, What up? You ready to talk about some Breath of the Wild, DLC brah?


Yeah, dude, tears of the Kingdom, which definitely sounds like early 2000s, like emo punk band album or at least lead song Like. I can see this being like some emo bands, like Tears of the Kingdom, it's a boy song or something. But yeah, breath of the Wilder most wild, you know. Hyrule gone wild. How do you, how do you feel about doing a pod on the biggest game of the year, psycho?


Oh man.


What are?


you psychic about.

Young Fatigue:



starting baby. Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Man, I feel good. Dude, You know, we had to jump into the zeitgeist, for the Tears of the Kingdom drop And I've been playing. I've been playing.


Yeah, it's a weird. It's a weird podcast to do. This game is ADHD simulator.


And we are not known to be the most structured podcast, as it is. So I was thinking about, like, how this is going to go And I'm like, do I just bounce all over the place and get lost and then frustrated and then jump back to something else, like I do Whence to playing Tears of the Kingdom? But we'll try to keep it on the rails. I would have loved to have done a pod every four times I play the game because I have all these thoughts and feelings, so don't expect any larger plot points to be covered today.


How's that? purely because you don't have any larger plot points. Because I can make, i can throw out some spoilers, bro.


Doug, I think I have three sections of the base layer of the map uncovered because I've been saying we'll get it, we'll get into the weird leg And it's not like I haven't played.


No, for sure. What are your hours? Where are you clocking in right now?


Should have checked right before, but I'm somewhere in that 40 to 50 range.


Yes, I'm about five ahead of you. I've been watching leading up to the bottom. I'm like I wonder if you've been.


Usually it's this rare that you got, unless it's like some crap little indie game that only you play.


Usually I have more hours, but I guess it's because it's because my wife loves it so much. She like finds it soothing. So at night, instead of listening to a sleep story or something like that, she asked me to play Zelda. And of course I'm going to be like, sure You know what I'm tired, dude, because like I'm like I'll play Zelda And then she falls asleep and I, like, end up staying up all night playing Zelda, sure.


The sound design is cute as shit, so I'll give her that. Most of it's the same from Breath of the Wild, but it's polished, it's charming, yeah, it's incredibly cute, So I can definitely see how just you derping around Babies. They will watch me play sometimes and they're mildly interested. I appreciate that.




So I've been getting it in best I can, but I, you know, surprisingly enough, i have played a tiny bit of other games and we'll get to that later on, because it is all engrossing and it's been fun to get into the water cooler games. Tap of the noise is too.


You can hear me trying to lick my time. Fuck, i needed to know it's 60 hours. Can you know that I'm going to play some tears of the kingdom while you do your thing? Okay, sure.


Here's my thoughts on. But yeah, man, it's just like it's fun when you jump on your switch and you see everybody playing the same game.


Oh man.


Three, four, not it's kind of like.


It's kind of like Animal Crossing, i mean not quite as intense, but I haven't seen my friends that pop off like this on Nintendo since Animal Crossing.


Right, It's really cool to see. And then when you go to work, I work with some buddies and we'll talk about different things that we're running into. But truly I'm about can you check my hours while you're just fucking around on there Being a kid. Cause, like I've just scratched the surface, it's actually kind of like intensely intimidating just how much is in front of you in this game.


It's like a little, it's a little it's a little to the point where I play other games occasionally just because I'm like stressed out about how much is in front of me.


You're at 45 hours or more, so you're probably tickling. You're probably tickling 50, which means I'm about 10 more, which I'm about 10 more, maybe a little bit more plus than you tickling 50.


Shouts out Aaron.

Young Fatigue:

All right.


Moving on. That's a deep cut for the family. Oh, that's good, but anyway you have to. you have to do a pod, and this won't be our last one on the game.


I wonder if next month will even be far enough to like talk about game stuff, because when we were discussing earlier, to like when we're throwing out the game for the next month, cause I do want to move on from tears, but I know I'm not really going to move on from tears, right, but like I don't know, okay, go on for a long time.


You were one of those crazy people in breath of the wild where you never beat Ganon because you didn't want the game to end, so you didn't do the one thing you had been playing a hundred plus hours to do. And it turned out that that was actually quite a common phenomena. I got a buddy how I'll get work or did the same thing. Yeah, i think he literally beat Ganon so you can start playing this game. I've read multiple articles online about people who just won't fight Ganon And I'm like it's elder man.


I did that shit Right.


It sets you right before the fight with Ganon, just like any other Zelda game. So, like I was talking to a Nam at Brunson's.


You remember Nam, she, uh, she's the same thing. She was like I think I had to, i think I had to be getting, before I go on to you know, pick it up and do too. I was like, oh no, shit, i did that shit too. But I did take down Ganon. I officially did be breath of the wild a couple of years ago, but it was after giving it a rest, like a long rest, to pick it up, just so I could like check the box, bro, this one picks right up. Only it's like better And like before we get to do this. Like here's the deal, let me say it, it's a sequel, though Like it's not really better, like it's hard, like you know, when you put these on a scale, i just don't understand how we're supposed to be throwing numbers and shit, And that's why we don't really do numbers on this cast.


Unless we feel like it, and then we do it and then we scrap them later on. That's not the point. The game is not better.


It is more better, it's a nine plus. It's more better, but it's not a better game.


I don't know if that means anything, but it means something to me that is more better Yeah. It's not a better game. We're briefly going to rant about. So we did top 10 games and Alex did not put Breath of the Wild on his game because he's artistic and he's cool and he's edgy and he likes clicks and he likes to stir up controversy. He puts some shit like fucking Tetris on there.


But moving forward, dude that's like the safest thing I've done is called Tetris that high Tetris So late but Breath of the Wild was my number one And this is more more Breath of the Wild, wild and Wet Edition.


But dude, what do you? you team Ocarina time or you team fucking Majora's Mask? I'm team OOT, see me too, and that's like similar reasons probably here for for Breath of the Wild tears of the kingdom. No, it came out first, bro Dude.


Majora's Mask is totally different game and it is Totally different, but the mechanic changes. The mechanic changes it so much.


But the only reason. I think that you can say, oh, there's many reasons, but like I've just feel that like this game, it's hard to like put it right next to Breath of the Wild, because Breath of the Wild, you know, had to fucking swim before this one could take off to space.


Right, No, I mean internet says that Breath of the Wild is like a tech demo.


I don't think it's that little though, Like I think, like don't belittle it.


It's almost like if I had to go back to one of these games and I'm way too early to truly say this, but I would go back to Breath of the Wild because, like this game is so intimidating that it's almost like a giant playground for those who love Breath of the Wild.


I can't imagine this being your first game before playing Breath of the Wild. Not to get into the real boring stuff, but the sound design. But I'm going to do it. I'll do it. The sound design, the art, all the things that blew your mind. We're just so groundbreaking in the first one, you just can't really capture that magic.


Well, there's a couple of moments in the beginning of this dude, the depths. the depths made me feel something.


Hi, medium and frustration. Sure, i didn't even like the sky.


Should the sky should? I think is cool, but I barely even like, aside from that, fucking like money shot when you jump out of those towers like I don't really care to go up and explore this guy. I'm like whatever, i played Skyward Sword. I played Skyward Sword. That shit was dope. But the depths, man, the depths, do something for me. I'm like this is a new shit.


This is weird. We're going to date this later because I I do have thoughts on that, And so this is when you dive into the depths and you're like this is too much, I'm going to shoot back up to the top. That's what we're shooting back up to the top here. So let's you drive man The whole pot is going to be this way.


Breath of the Wild is the coolest game ever. This game is sick And I actually struggled in the beginning to get into this game because it wasn't Breath of the Wild and I still thought it was cool. but I was comparing everything.


You did a fresh replay of Breath of the Wild though, didn't you? We are at least a pretty heavy 40, 50 hours in. I don't think I went all the way through, but right on still.


You leave the cave in Breath of the Wild and you're just on the plateau. Like the plateau is still the greatest tutorial in all of games ever, just the coolest, whereas I think it's better than this one.


Yeah, it's kind of was it was a little long.


It was a little less. It was more linear, which is strange, right, like you had to get the trines in order.


There's nothing linear about this game, except for the tutorial.


Yeah, which was really strange. It like took a while to get cooking and I was getting kind of frustrated, but it was also super cool. So like it's awesome. The more I've settled into it, the more fun it's been. It definitely recaptures that magic. Like we said, you go and you talk to your homies about it and you're having fun swapping stories and you're running into everything and you're doing things at your own pace or the lightly suggested guided pace of the game And it's brilliant. It's definitely the game of the year. Unless Starfield delivers on a tenth of what they just promised at that, like showcase.


I can't look spooking the litty, but like and that would only just be, because this isn't. This isn't new, it's just a super, super bitchin sequel Right.


Yeah, but my critiques with with tears of the kingdom are that it's too tedious man. There's certain things that are in that sort of thing with Starfield And I don't know if I'm going to like Starfield, because it's too much.


Yeah, man. Um, we'll get into that later. So what's new? I'm just kind of like what I found really interesting while I played is like how the game really answers critiques or the things that people argued about for years, because it was been like five, six years, yeah it sounds about right. So it's been like five, six years since the game came out, and like so first 2017 has breathed the wild. Yeah, The number one set six years. the number one intensely debated thing about the game forever was weapon.


That's when the switch was the Zelda machine, because it was the only game that was worth playing aside from Kamario Kart.


Yeah so yeah, and then you got to Odyssey in the fall. So hey, man, if we get Odyssey, this fall, shadow drop that'd be fun. But anyway, weapon durability. Some people hated it.


Some people loved it.


I was always somewhere in between. I'm a little bit more in favor of it in this game because of the new few, so we'll get into this game.

Young Fatigue:

We'll get into different abilities from time to time.


Yeah, so whatever nonsense, table setting, you know calamity or whatever they call it in this game. A vent has rotted most of the weapons, which is fine. So they're even more brittle. But basically you get to attach sticks to things now or weapons to other weapons like monster pieces and stuff or anything, pretty much anything.


So fuse Yeah.


So it's really cool, though, because another nice little thing they did is like now all your enemies have these little pieces, and you always took little monster parts. They would call it wild, but now, in tears, you have, like, they have like these little crowns, almost, and little horns and different like things, where they will fuck you up with those. By the way you know, i got one shotted by those little captain. The meaning was so infuriating. But then you attach those to your weapons, so it's like they're just like Hey, you don't like weapon durability, huh, and then we're like yeah, or like people who are mad about it are like yeah, and they're like so we're going to make a more brittle but we're also going to give you all the fun things to play with.


So, like, fuck you, deal with it. And. I kind of respect it Like, instead of just taking it away they just continued to like experiment and play with it. So you don't like it. Where are you on it?


I don't know. I do like it, i think. But here's my. My only gripe is that you don't, i don't know, man. Like I said, there's something nice about a nice clean sword right, and these like decorated swords or whatever They're ugly And then you add like weird items to it. It is dope. I just don't like the aesthetic all the time.


I definitely will switch weapons. When I'm just traversing, i will switch weapons, so the really cool one is on my back and then I need to take out the ugly, the very strong weapon to fight. I will. I'm that, and I'd like that part about it, yeah.


And it's just like a weird aesthetics thing. I do think the functionality of it is really cool, man, like I think you know these different items or whatever can add different flavor to it, or you can use like the different orbs that will give it like frost ability. They have definitely taken some of like the special, like the special items about the wild and like made them more important in tears and made that like item system. Like it elevates it, man, and it's cool And I do like it. I just I'm just a silly boy and I'd rather run around with a master sword on my back and I can now because I got that shit.


Oh shit, i don't have it yet. No, and it's cool because it forces you like the durability in the first game was just so you wouldn't get attached to a weapon in your own. I actually expect respect to that because I've been playing games like this year. I've been playing like Skyrim and Witcher was especially guilty of. This is I was going all around town getting all these swords and fancy names and stuff in the Witcher, but all I would do is sell them so I could go like Mastercraft, my witchery gear. You never have a reason to be using these different swords other than a sell them.


We got to hit economy. We got to deal you for economy real quick. You fuck with any of those. You cheese anything in the game You'd like with any of the glitches.


No, not a bit.


Me. Neither dude Got to play it beer. Shame all you out there. I'm just playing dude. I think it's great that people are doing that shit, but it's so funny that I made that decision, though I was like no, i'm going to keep my Zed experience pure.


I thought it was funny that Nintendo patched it, because I'm like this is the thing Fuck any patched it.


They're like we worked so hard on this game not to have weird glitches.


They're like fuck you guys, six years of YouTube industry have been made on like they put like chests, like in areas that forced you to glitch, to get into it Shit, but anyway, to fix my rant. So not only are you like forced to use all these different types of weapons, but now you're coming up with creative combinations. I think it's funny when you just put a spear on a spear.


I thought it'd be like.


I'm like 80 HD mode. You know the Kirby game on the N64 where you suck in two crystal shards where you suck in two things I'm like. I think about that all the time And like sometimes it works and sometimes it really just doesn't. Like I was so butthurt when I put like I had a sturdy spear and I attached a bow to it And I was like, what cool thing will this make To?


spear with a bow at the end of it. The long way to the long way to like maybe a crossbow or something fucking cool.


But no, dude, it's just a bow and a spear.


I know this game is silly like that. I enjoy its playfulness, man. It's like the fuse in the master hands. Stuff doesn't entirely make sense but in a weird way it fits.


They've made it seem natural, which is silly, you want to hit us with the ace sounder.


What is that?


Boing. Yeah for some reason He's just like I attached a TNT barrel to my sword and that worked out as well as you think. Oh yeah, that shit was clodding.


I do like that about this game, man, and that actually makes it A minecart to a spear or a club.


It's like on the minecart on your shield is sick Like the shield. surfing is actually like even cooler. That is cool.


The skateboarding and surfing and shit that you can do is is though, but it's like it makes your it like, takes it, wears on your shield and breaks it. Though That shit bugs me. I'm like, come on, I just want to ride.


It will get into it later. But the super cool new caves, i fucking love them, except for you have to smash all of your rock weapons to get down in there And I'm like you know what would be nice. Oh man The durability wasn't this petty and I didn't have to like continue to cycle out my weapons to get more rock hammers.


I've been there, dude, but have you done the second or whatever? Have you done the dungeon in the fireplace, like the? you know what I'm talking about.


As as I do both in the game and in this podcast. We'll get to that later. I'll stay on track, dude.


I'm telling you, if you go there, it's going to make that experience a little easier for you because one of the homies will follow you and blows up those rocks.


Right, Yeah, that makes sense. Um, no, the castle and Hyrule. uh, I was going nuts dude.


That's spent a lot of time down there one day and that's just it. man, you just like all of a sudden you find yourself on some weird side mission like two hours later and you're like in the middle of some like the castle Hyrule and shit dude it's nuts.


You'll also find yourself for an hour exploring an area of the depths, only to find out that they're kind of walled off from region to region.


So you've been running in a circle for an hour. It's just a kind of that realization. The other night and I was like, oh, fuck me.


So, uh, i'm surprised you know next on my checklist of keeping Alex on track, uh, the TDM of the game you addressed that once. that was actually a critique of Breath of the Wild, so I'm surprised to hear you say that. I would say that things like ascend, which is you shoot up, which is pretty widely known at this point, was a developer tool that they decided was really cool and they worked into the mechanics.

Young Fatigue:

I love it. You just basically shoot through the ceiling and go to the top.




I mean early on in the game so it was definitely that animation is whack. It takes so long, but it's also like I'm sure it's loading up like Nintendo switches really wheezing playing this game.


And he's like oh, i'm sorry, alex. I'm trying my best, my lord It is, i'm just playing. Yeah, no.


And then the different, the goofy, the goofy bullshit that you can do with Alterhand and the dumb things you can craft in vehicles, which is like you know where they minecraft the shit out of this game, but they don't give you very many steering wheels for like a really long time. So it's like, do you want to just roll in a direction and hope that you don't, or a hill and you get your stupid or rock friend.


You want to try and you want to try to explain zonai devices for the people that haven't played this game, bro.


Yeah, i suppose. Imagine you're playing any other crafting game after minecraft came out and your zonai is like at the ancient race. There's a time split in this game, very ocarina of time ish, but not really a spoiler, but Zelda gets. She's what something of the say Oracle of time or something.


If you're a Zelda fan, can you really spoil Zelda dude? It's the same fucking loop every game.

Young Fatigue:

All right, touche, but yeah, no, she's back in time.


Oh man, i got to tell this. So when you start off in the depth like exploring some cave with her or whatever, and then you run into some mural and she's like, oh my God, in her British accent, that drives me insane, her voice acting, i dig it dude, but she's so bad, so bad.


I just don't know why she has to be fucking British.


Just make Zelda Japanese get over it. Anyway, i'd be the weirdest shirt I'd wear. It just says make Zelda Japanese. but.


I'm not gonna mess. I don't think we should actually Nintendo and Suda shit out of you.


Do what I want.


Hey, i'm like I don't know Kotaku or something.


I got jokes when I'm leaving, anyway, and then you know you saw it in the trailer. But like Ganon comes alive and my babies are sitting in their little jumper things and they're chilling and they're not really like. They don't really like sometimes the glow of the screen will draw them in for a little bit, but they're like old dogs. So they're just like goobin around staring around, but like Arthur's watching for a second. And then that moment when Ganon, like erupts or whatever, and comes back.


That's creepy.


It's really loud and sudden and Arthur had been watching. He goes, ah, and then starts crying.


Oh man, you traumatized your boy. This will only be for Alex and I because he can see on camera, but literally he's sitting there.


And he just starts wailing and his mom picked him up and sued him and I was just dying. I felt bad. This is my fault, But I'm like I can now tell him the first thing that he got scared of and like truly cried about was right. So they're mortal enemies.


now, which is that is done?


Your new Sky Island tutorial, which is the new plateau. Some bird, human, hunk man. He's kind of hot Raaru. The internet thinks he's hot.

Young Fatigue:

I'm not gonna tell you He's all right. Yeah, this isn't.


Hades. We're not that Hades level horny of gaming this right now, but some people are dude, jesus. This is the worst podcast ever. Point out statistics on searches about that.


Looks like. Let me scroll up and see how many views this video's got. Another one for me, you know how.


On Reddit like the data accounts that are fucking sick. Yeah, They're like once a month Pornhub, just like. Here you guys go, We collect all the data, and here's the dumbest shit you fucking deviance are into. Zealow related searches are up like 100% or something ridiculous, and like they like, categorize them. It's like purra like. Lincoln's dumbest shit. And then like someone on Reddit is like why don't you add Raaru, you cowards? That's what I face back.


Hey, fun fact Raaru is the name of the first village in, i believe, is it the well, one of the first Nests, zelda's. So it's a callback man. It's kind of fun.


Or anyway the zone I've been trying to describe. Yeah, This dude from this ancient civilization is like helping you around your tutorial island and Zelda is back in time with that ancient founding of Hyrule under the rock.


He's not just a dude, he's like the spirit of the founding King of Hyrule.


Right, which is a death ancestor of Zelda.


Who is definitely like hooking up with Zelda's great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great. Grandma, they're very nice, don't make me sound dirty Love.


While we're there, though, another wonderful meme I saw was, like some people like love to argue whether or not Lincoln's all the date. Oh yeah, they're in love and like someone's. Like the top thing it says like they're just friends and the comment below It's just like I hate to break this to you, but Lincoln's all the fuck until the room stinks. I was just like Anyway, tdm in the game zone, i devices. That's what I was going for.


You got like a fan like a rocket.


You got these Touch-to-goofy things and they do know about that gum ball machine.


The dispenses them to you.


I'm surprised it's not like in a Meebo form like Zelda or not Zelda, but Nintendo toy company I've run.


I've run all my Meebo's through this game.


We're not to memes, we're just talking about the dumbbell zone. I device feeders right now.


I'll forget to say later, though. The best one is Epona. You get the actual legendary Epona pretty dope.


So they're an ancient civilization. You build riggedy crafts and they sort of work and the internet Either enjoy watching those videos or feel like a fucking moron When you're, when you're putting together a crappy wagon that goes one direction and breaks and then someone else is putting together like literal torture chambers for like enemies and stuff. I definitely you're the same way, like I'm avoiding a lot of internet content, so the game is just like me, to a verbal, because that's like the true magic of these games is like discovery, right Like I can't see it's like a map game.


Like I'm just gonna go to this area, what'll I stumble into? But the internet dude, sometimes I just get sucked in and people make the funniest mess everywhere. That's, that's a send.


Dude, i don't want nobody said, no one to know about the zone I devices. That's how this game is man. You start trying to do any one thing, it doesn't even matter. It's worse than Skyrim, it's worse than the Witcher. Anything I try and do, there will be something that interests me, and I end up on a ridiculous side quest, side quest, side quest. Dude, we're just trying to prove something to yourself I saw yeah, but it's fun.


Tears of the kingdom is a masterclass of Pointlessness. For an hour, like I wanted to see if my device work.


How many you died? do you die more often in this game versus Breath of the Wild?


dude is getting better But, like, the first 20 to 30 hours of this game is just like one of the dumbest ways that you can die. Boy, did I test that from the beginning? Tyler's his first death. He goes. I was trying to climb a tree to grab an apple and fell off the cliff. That was.


I was jumping into the depths the other night, had a certain point that it's like a, it's more of a chasm or whatever, but I kept it was a smaller hole. So every I like to die like. So what's up? You just call it chasm or chasm, chad, you know, whatever Chad can was, so it's a difference.


Chasm. It says fucking frat boy cat, frat boy old.


I guess it's more of a chasm than a chasm.


I saw it, but I was still jumping in it.


Dude, i kept it. I come in the side of the wall. I do like five times in a row And I was like, oh man, i would die each time. It's just whack.


No, i my boss, or he's an assistant principal Admin at my school. He forgot when a rainstorm you have to take your metal off and he kept getting just electrocuted. He's like what a fucking game And he's well over a hundred hours and a breath of the wild, like he knows right knows about the electricity He's like how tedious is this game like I can't just keep dying and then so. Just the dumb shit will kill you, man. Just the smallest of enemies were one-shotting you from the longest time. In the beginning it was rough.


I will say the alter hand is dope and I've come to really love it, but it does make me like I'm kind of sad that I haven't created anything like amazing. You know what I mean? My coolest, my coolest vehicles is like our dope, but it's really just like cuz they got like a few rockets and a few fans and as many batteries as I could find it.


It's kind of wonky, like it's not perfect but it's pretty good. That was like the first five to ten hours was just pretty frustrated with like rotating things but like yeah you know, This game. See that it teaches you, and the shrines have been made way cooler. They are shrines are no cooler because you just have like the weirdest things to put together And I didn't.


I didn't love the like weird I don't even remember what they call them in breath of wild But like that's the powers that essentially the master hand is taken over. You know the different, like the bomb and like the magnesium and stasis and stuff. I didn't love that part of breath of the wild, to be honest, and it was like fine, and I think that this stuff works way better, but it's weirder.


You know I liked it. That mixed it up, because it makes it feel like a new game. You have new Physics, all those types of things, right. So like well, same physics but new ways to fuck with them, for a lack of a more eloquent Explanation. So I'm here for it. It mixes up the formula enough where it's not just breath of the wild, too wet and wilder, it's more of its own whole thing that they've built around right. So like it's cool. But I missed them for a while, especially the bombs. I missed having the bombs. When I'm in the caves and I'm just trying to blow things up, wish I had bombs.


I'm telling you, man, you got to go talk to your homie at death mountain.


We'll get there a huge thing that I think one of the biggest things I would have complained about in the last game Was that ever enemy variety got pretty stale almost immediately, except for the mini bosses. Once the mini bosses were no longer a surprise. They have fixed that. There's a ton of more new enemies. I'm still running into new ones not a ton more, but like the mini bosses I have yet. Have you run in those fucking dragons yet, dude?


I haven't beat the three-headed dragons. Yeah, have you beaten it? No, not yet. No. Yeah so those are cool I haven't.


Lionel. yet No, i was really putting one to work, and then it. Thing and I died. No, I'm like I'm not doing this today.


I ran into a Lionel the other night and I ran away. I was like can't do it. I.


Remember when I ran into one for the first time in the first game I was like like to dedicated to beat it.


I'm excited to see what they drop to fuse into things, because that's like to go back to that. Oh sure, the coolest thing is now. Not only are those cool enemies like fun to fight and give you a cool loot, but they give you like unique weapon loot, which is really good. Yeah, like it's a motivating factor to like remember where they are and beat them, because then There's the Minecraft monster in the sky That's like your first one in it.


That's a cool mini boss guy. That's pretty, that things cool. They show up all over the place now.


You notice that there's different like levels. There's one, two and three. Yeah, mm-hmm, i ran into a green the depths and it was fucking me up.


So I was like Some of those proxies down there are tough too.


I dropped. I jumped on a chasm, as you would say, right next to Iro Castle. It dropped me right on top of one and the same.


Oh, I've done that too.


So it kept fucking me up until I like. Motion and ran away and that was fun.


I had the same experience like Northwest the Hyrule Castle a little bit.


Yeah, I was like for heart's deep dude.


Oh yeah, no, it's cool though. It's cool like that. You're mentioning enemy diversity and like that kind of stuff and I'm with you, 100% dude. But at the same time I was playing it, and For how vast. And I mean we're not talking like T Starfield, vast, but, like you know, hyrule is big dude, the map's fucking big, and there's always something around the horizon. There's some really cool videos out there or whatever that Explained, like how they did that in Breath of the Wild.


Part of making it such a successful open world is that there's always one thing on the screen at all time Where, like it's, it interests the player, so like you're encouraged to run towards it instead of taking the main path. You can still take a main path if you want, but you're encouraged to go a different direction And then when you like hit the horizon, like that will like reveal more shit, and there's always more shit and more things, and I feel like this game does it to like even harder, but to its credit, that's awesome. But what I think is like it's a really like nitpicky to critique, but I do feel like it's a. It's an empty world, man, like. I don't think it's like empty, like in, like we're talking?


What's that vampire game that just came out where people are actually upset that it's empty. Yeah, it's not like a red fall empty, but it's just like the towns and shit are dope. But like I just kind of wish there was more action like which are ask action, you know what I mean? Like I wish there was more NPCs that like mattered. Out there There's a bunch This is such a weird critique, dude.


I mean like Weasing as it's trying to play this game.


This game is so huge on this outdated software that already wasn't powerful.


I would say it's not and It's like my favorite It's. It's the greatest map in all of video game history as of right now, and I don't think start you'll actually beat this, even if with its vastness. Because, like you, look at the actual map and Just the way the geography is laid and I'm a nerd for this. So like, get over, yeah, but like like I said, like you look at a formation and you're like I bet you something's cool over there. Right, you're some school over there. So like I don't feel like it's empty.


Dude it. That kind of stuff is cool. But what I think is empty is like I just like I don't like running into the dude on the donkey like and out of the middle, nowhere, that like doesn't really would do anything. Like I just what, i wish there was more life, but like to your, to your point, like I don't think this was can get any more on it.


Yeah, and it depends how you define life. Like NPCs, yes, but other than that, like there's always some goofy little thing happening. So, like I Like to, i've been trying to do it. I remember I went over to Tyler's house once and he was playing and then I looked at his map and he had labeled We're all the different mini bosses and things that you could find is in breath. I kind of do that too, so I've been doing that too. I do the skull if I can't beat the enemy yet. I do a sword yet, but it's good loot.


Oh nice little leafs when I don't want to play a friend. Reconnection simulator with the fucking boots, i do.


I use a leaf for that as well.


I cannot. He's like help, i can't find my friend. I'm like God, your hecking cute, but I'm definitely not gonna bring you up that close.


Those are fun sometimes and that's what great about this game is also. And you'll run in that you'll be going somewhere. You'll run into one of the little cor rocks and you're like, should I do a cork thing? And then you're like, or you throw, or you throw a stamp on the map and come back when you're feeling the cork.


When you play the game or you have more of those zonai devices that you can save up or whatever. So like yeah, for example, there's one where he's like my friends up this cliff And I'm like I need the hot air balloon thing and I didn't even know that was a thing yet. But I'm like I'm not gonna what. There's got to be something so that, like later on, when I have more devices and a better grasp, i'll return.


Yeah, about 60 hours in and I've done more than you. As far as like quest, it sounds like and I'll, i think if you look at the open spaces on your mini, on your like pause screen or whatever, i think I'm only about half of the zonai devices. So, like I'm excited to get even deeper into the game and see what other weird ass things are gonna give me.


Yeah, and like you can attach things to your arrows. Haven't even explained that yet.

Young Fatigue:

Which is like a huge fun.


Creativity, so like instead of getting fire arrows, you attach like heat things some firefruit. Or the red choo-choo jellies, or whatever.

Young Fatigue:



I'm a special item resource management man, like there's certain things that they might be nice to attach But I don't want to like shoot out on my Dude, then you just got spam bombs.


Have you killed one of those?


yet Like there's multiple of them, i'm not sure. I'm like, i'm not sure what you're running into the gloom hands, mm-hmm, yeah, and there's like five of them.


Yeah, you've there. It's like a mini boss. You run into them, right? Yes, right right. There's a few to my understanding. I run into them.


I run into them twice And there's a set that I did beat. And then you have to. You have to fight a phantom, ganon.


Yes, every time, and it sucks.


They're cool to Hands for me because they they fuck you up with the gloom the whole time.


You gotta have some was that like some flower shit or whatever What do you just need bomb flowers? You just kind of helps 5-6 of them, and then you're done.


Yeah, where you blow yourself up, you can attach your your zonai devices to arrows though.


So like those giant.


Oh yeah, shoot those. That's cool. I haven't played with that too much. That's. That sounds like a nice, a nice week You can use case.


So the new enemies super dope, i love them, and I've barely even gone all over the map, so I bet I'm gonna unlock some new ones for myself. And then one thing that people got really butt-hurt about, and then we'll probably tease it back later. As far as old Zelda vs, this is definitely its own era of Zelda, no doubt about that. A big thing from the first game ever to always has been temples and then in Breath of the.


Wild. You had the Divine Beasts, which were these giant mechs, essentially as different animals, and they were temples kind of, but people didn't like them because they felt hollow and kind of spacious, not in a good way, and they were pretty cool and then you'd have a boss battle. They were always like phantom Ganon Blights, weren't they? so they were just kind of different. Ganon things, whatever that means. Do you get the point? So now we have temples, but do we though, Because I've done one of them?


and you've done two or three.

Young Fatigue:

Two I've done, two of them I've done the Rita Village one, so the Wind Temple, and I've done the Fire.


Temple over in Goron City or whatever.


I've only done the Wind one, and getting up there was super cool, i'll give them that, but also getting to the Divine.


Beasts was really cool. I was pretty happy to get up there.


I enjoyed it but it was like You did it pretty early. I was later on when I did it, so maybe that helped.


Maybe you did a game and you were probably more well equipped.


Yeah, I definitely had enough money to buy the fucking outfit with your broke ass. Better cook up some spicy peppers. you're gonna need it up there, Dude, fucking get ripped in four pieces of shit.

Young Fatigue:

I didn't have the full suit, it's true.


I couldn't beat the boss up there. I couldn't beat the temple boss because I was too cold and I was losing arts all the time. I didn't have command over the game quite yet. So I went and I bought parts of that suit, but the Snowclaw's suit or whatever it's called, and you're right, my broke ass couldn't afford the whole thing. I didn't even get the pants.


So later on, Yeah, so I was wound by the quote unquote temple experience. I think it looked cool.


It's fine.


The Divine Beasts looked cool and the new boss looked okay.


The temples are. I appreciate them, dude, and I think that what we're missing in those temples they still have a logic little puzzle thing going on. They're all the same and it's not like I don't think it gives like the whole internet has been talking about this a little bit so spoilers, but they're essentially key quests. You gotta unlock five different things in each place, so you gotta find a key to do the five whatever and that will get you to the boss. So that's not too unlike the temple pattern in OG, zelda's or whatever, but those I think are more intricate.


I think that if you were to mesh these four whatever they call them areas like disaster areas or whatever, where the weird activity is happening, that's where all the temples are. If you combine them with shrines shrines in this game I feel like a mesh of those two makes up for the dungeons that we're missing. I think when you compare those things together, like it definitely scratches that dungeon itch, but it's still not a dungeon. So like you don't get the personality that you get from like your Skyward Sword dungeons, where they all felt like their own characters, like I didn't leave any of these dungeons yet feeling like. I felt like it was cool. I felt like I was in a cool place doing cool shit and I had cool puzzles, but it wasn't like a character of the game, which I believe is something that you've described those like Skyward Sword dungeons, as prior to this.


Yeah, that was a big thing for me. Yeah, so you hit it on the head as far as, like, if you're gonna complain like the dungeons aren't like the same, it's like well, that's what the shrines are for you get it all and you get a ton of them and it scratches that itch and it's like they've gone away from the formula.


Each dungeon has its own item and that's like the very linear back and forth you get the item, you get the hookshot and then this dungeon is gonna have a bunch of puzzles around the hookshot. So like I understand that you can't 100% go back to there, but I was a little bit hoping that I could have my cake and eat it too, where you have this fast game where you can go at anything and do whatever you want and take it in any direction, you know take it in any order that you want, which is very unlinear Temple Zelda like but then you still have this one space within the game where you just had this meticulously crafted thing, and I think this is like I don't know.


I feel like the developers or Nintendo kind of teased that there were more temples, like they kind of. It's like they listened to the feedback and then didn't do anything about it but said they did, because even like it felt hollow again, like that's what I felt like inside that ship. Like you remember the ghost ship in Skyward. That's fucking cool, there's like stuff and this is just like a giant husk of a ship. There's nothing inside, except for occasional enemies or like random wire trip wires because this one corridor is strange.


It's like. It's like where Skyward Sword was like a beautiful puzzle box. This one was, like you know, a puzzle box you bought for five bucks on the street, but it's still a puzzle box.


Probably a big one. that isn't actually that cool, i'm just playing.


They're like, they are good, they're just like I don't know. I think you have to pair those together, but I think it's like. You know, nintendo knew what the fuck they were doing. Though at the same time, because, like, because they're really going for this open world thing, they really want you to get lost in this world and like, yeah, there's this story that you can follow, and I've been diving into the story a little bit more but at the same time there's all this other shit and I think they want you to get it like lost in that world and if you go too linear with these temples, you're going to lose that. I don't know that excitement you get from finding the next shrine so you can do a little puzzle, or the like just idea that you can get on eight different tangents. When you're on trying to do something, it becomes less. I don't know. You start hitting that line more. I think if they made those temples too nice, you know.


I think what they could do is make them more intensive and like more of that character in there, whereas the special item that helps you get through that, i mean they kind of have that with your little buddy abilities, like the little bird is when Gust was definitely incorporated into how you got her.


The sound effects that makes is so bad. like it's not terrible, but I use it all the time because it makes me dip faster in the sky, so I'm like, oh, Also that bird boy definitely had like strong anime energy, like, oh, let's go. He did. That's not abnormal of Zelda, though like to have like the NPCs have weird-ass personalities. I kind of dig it.


No, so it was cool. So that wraps up that section of the.


Looks like check that out on the outline that I made, that you're not trying to eat too.


Smooth transition to. I was nervous when this game came out because they were returned to the same Hyrule, the same engine, the same everything, and my favorite thing, as mentioned, was the map and the exploration and the discovery and I'm like how could you possibly bring me back to the same map?


I'm going to remember everything because it was my favorite place, like in any video game ever, and they actually handled it pretty beautifully. I think of layers. right, they just built on top of it, but they also remixed it, so, like whatever the calamitous event, forgetting what they want to call the disruption.


maybe that's what they call it, but they call it I think it is disruption, yeah, yeah, where the Brass guy goes into the other group.


And then the castle goes into the sky and shit things in the sky are falling down.


Clutscenes are kind of dope bro.


Yeah, that's what she's given it all. So the map has been changed, like it's progressed into the future Because, like remember, when you beat Breath of the Wild, you're kind of hoping there would be like a post-Gannon, like glow up of like maybe you know a building, like now it's rebuilding and there's new things being added and it's really cool. And I've barely even seen the map. But part of the reason I've barely seen the map is it's been layered upward and downward. Yeah, now returned to the fight. Alex tried to pick in the second minute of the podcast. Sky Islands are way cooler than the depths.


Nah man Really, You think so?


I do not like the dark. I find it tedious.


Oh, do you just kind of get some bright bloom seeds bro? So, this thing's all over the place. Don't be using your arrows, though. You got to be chucking those with your arm.


Yeah, i know Somebody reads online Kotaku articles. But yes, i agree, it's cool down there Sometimes, you like I I get that shit out before.


Kotaku told me, but I saw that shit too, yeah.


I stumbled down there. It's like one of the only sites that my work hasn't blocked yet because, like, even low5gamingcom has been blocked because it's about video games. You know the cover of my presentation section. No, the district firewall, it does not pass. But anyway, kotaku does And I swear it's How Sounds like some kind of nonsense. They don't know how to like.


That's sort of realistic. maybe We got to start putting out more articles.


Yeah, well, that's what my scholarly stuff was for.


True, there's a lot of words on there. Shut up to the low5education. Go check that out on low5.com. It's cool.


I always do Shillers, but anyway, beautifully layered. I like the depth, sometimes like I jumped into one of the chasms on the plateau and like Let me look that down, shit, that's where I ran into the. What's the name of the fucking assassin guild? Fucking stupid.




Yeah, i think so Koga, And then of the Higa Clan, there we go. Yeah, i ran into all that And like the discovery and being on the railcarts And like that was really fun, like it can be really fun down there, but it's also like kind of boring and kind of just like They get mad at you, though.


And the dark, and then, all of a sudden, you come across them. You're like, oh shit.


Yeah, yeah. No, that's cool, but you talk about TV. It's like how about walking around a boring looking dark area forever and then not?


finding cool stuff, you find out that you're like in the middle of a huge cave and there's walls You can't even get over to where you want to be anyway, yeah.


So sometimes it's like discovery and it's like the most fun Dude that was. It's really.


For this game, jude. You were talking earlier, though, about how like to recapture that, like playfulness and wonder and awe, like the caves and the depths have given me a little bit of that feeling in this game.


So caves, love them.


And wells too.


There's always solid loot in caves. There's generally some good loot in wells, where the depths is a gamble. The other two aren't.


Yeah, if I should down in the depths, though I'd like. Dude, have you done any of the treasure hunts there yet? Where you like, find the the treasure map in the sky, and it brings you to some loot. That's just kind of cool.


It is, and the loot in this game is really cool. I there's tons of outfits. I've gotten random pieces of different outfits where I'm like.


You hit those great fairies yet.


No, I don't know how to get the one open and I'm like this is too much for me.


Oh man, go talk to the homies to play music and then do that side quest. Figured and I was like I'll get there Yeah they're always at the stables, not getting too much away, just go do it.


But I don't even have enough like outfits to want to bother yet, because I'm checking out each section of the map and I'm trying to hit every area before I unlock a new tower. I'm that weirdo.


Yeah, you're wild dude. I just spent a night where I was like okay, it's time and I just I spent like two hours or whatever traverse, like shooting up in the sky. I traverse into the next one, scanning out using the zoom, setting little markers and then going to the next one, like that is not got the full map to shrink the game I have to.


there's too much available, so I have to constrain myself to one chunk of I needed it open But I you know what probably kicked it off is I started doing the. I started doing those quests for all the dragon tears, which is a fun quest man Like, kicks you off the master sword stuff.


Okay, so it starts to give you, starts to give you the story of this game, which is like this game seems so you like you haven't even tasted a bunch of those memories yet. That's another thing is a memory system from breath of the wild was alright, i thought it was pretty cool, dude. It's way tighter in this, like they're killing it with the cutscenes, like the story is kind of fun and like I haven't been like I'm digging it, man, i even like so I told you earlier Anna's been watching me play this way at night She's. And then I did like when she's at work I did a bunch of those tears things And so, like what she? when she was like you want place that, i was like, yeah, baby, i got to show you all these videos and I ran them all back so she could know what was going on with the story.


That's another thing they beefed up based on I don't want to say complaints, but a lot of people thought that the story was lacking. In the first one, i liked the method of storytelling I was there for. I like it this one as well.


This episode like 24 and you still be pulling around on the mic stand and shit.


Less than you know. Superb, but anyway moving. Yeah, this is the 26 pot and you still have a side quest. That are 12 things deep And I'm only letting you do three of them. Sessions, boring after a while anyway. Caves are dope, wells are dope. The depths I've had some. A lot of fun I've also. I like the dips really bored and sicky in them. The skylands, though You said that you haven't. They're kind of hard to get to, but it's kind of the fun of it is like once you get more.


Comfortable. There is cool shit going on up there.


Yeah, when you get more comfortable with the zone eye devices, it's like really fun to get to the different ones. And I'm like like dude, i like just wanted to see how high I could get on this. That sounded weird.


With the bong.


Those giant things that just float there, and I attached a bunch of rockets and it was like. Set up to go right up into the air anyway, but I like added even more and kept going and added charges. And Then there was just an island like way up there and it had a treasure.


Oh, shit, like nice Yeah it was cool.


So, like I think it's bright, it's cool. It reminds me of Skyward Sword, which is a really good game that shot itself in the toe, pun intended.


Oh no Monster, what an abomination shot out to the Skyward Sword episode.


Go check that shit out, Wow you hear me complain about fighting the same God awful boss design.


Early early on in this, in the discord, when we started playing breath of wild, you like down the depths man, you run into it like it's a throwback, like I was like fuck dude, if they bring that to a monster back, i'll be so angry I won't play this game anymore.


Person in the history of this game to ask Nintendo for their refund. If I had a. Honestly, though, if they drop that on me in a future game, it's like one of those throwbacks where you kill it right away and they're like just kidding I would die. I love the layers, the Verticality of this game. I think Nintendo Outdid themselves with that.


We've them all together real good. That's been coming to play for me And I think you know too, and a couple of the quests you're doing.


Like you can literally jump from the sky and dive into a chasm. I go, you can dive at your chasm or one of the openings and it there's no loading, you just I mean, i guess the loading is the falling down in there. It's just kind of disguised really nicely, but there's entire worlds or you just like a sky world that you drop into the base world And then you could literally continue dropping into another world and there's pretty to dude the animation and like all this stuff is pretty cool.


I've been taking screenshots.


Yeah, i tried to as well. It's funny like other systems, like literally anybody else other than like Nintendo, would have achievements or something. And I don't really ever hunt it's, but it's like that nice little scratch on your stupid brain when, like you get something for doing Some dumb right. Usually when I do like a really long glide or like a really ridiculous thing, i'm like Nintendo should have achievements. That would be cool. I.


Don't know if they can pack them on there, they could do it.


Don't you was like this would be a 10.


Well, now we got to give it a 7 because, like you know, oh. It's too sparse. There's not enough NPCs out there and there's no T-Vos.


Chee-vos I'm trying to think of like I had a complaint earlier, but I think it's fine. I mean this game is like a 10. I Love it. I've done so little in the grand scheme of things, and I've played a lot and it's gonna be. They did it again, man.


They did it again. It'll be. It'll be fun to circle back and talk about the more the story, but, dude, the game. The game is great. I really love it and it and I can tell that it's gonna be one that'll play for a long time.


Yeah. So I mean it's, and it's funny like we spent half of this episode talking about breath of the wild and direct comparisons And that's the gift and the curse of the sequel. Is it built up on it so much and It's such a reflection of an enhancement of, or like a redirectioning of that game, like they live together so much even for a sequel. I find that kind of fascinating. But it's, it's super bitchin and I wonder, oh yeah, some things. I Wonder that a future of The game is definitely open world, it's definitely this. Whatever their new system is, it's Nintendo and it's Zelda.


So they're not gonna just release this game again Like it's gonna be something wild and crazy that we can't yet conceive, which sounds like her perpably, but like Zelda blue people's minds, how many times now with their different games and format shifts. So they kind of like set the tent, like the tempo for other games, maltre decades, like they've done it. I Wouldn't say they hit. They've done it at least three, four times where they totally like set the table for everybody else. I'd say that between like Majora's Mask and Breath of the Wild, you just had like an intense refinement. I guess maybe win waker is where you would put it an intense like refinement of their formula, and then they just totally broke from that.


But I'm all up to say is that I love this game so much the noises, the different characters. There's so many callbacks throughout, like decades of Zelda history.


It is cool.


Do kind of miss 3d Zelda. That wasn't like.


This is its own category you know, i'm a hundred percent dude And Nintendo is more or less. There's some interview or whatever where they more or less said that exactly what you're talking about They're gonna continue this format and they're gonna continue like the master handshit and I think that's great. I love it. I love this game, but I am also nostalgic and I yearn for the og format and, honestly, i started just before Breath of the Wild. I started because I've never actually beat Link to the past, like I've only played the first parts of it, and I started playing. It was like dude, it tasted so good.


See what's crazy, though, is like okay, so 2d Zelda. Once again, we're talking about the revolutions and iterations of right. So 2d Zelda is that formula, but it's its own sub genre. Right so like a lot of people emulate. Oh man, what's the name of that? There's a game that in the summer games, face Fest was announced, where it's literally like Mario maker, but Zelda, 2d Zelda. It looks so sick, dude, like you can share and upload different dungeons that you make.


Is it the one that I? I don't know. I don't know if I've I've noticed that one or not.


Zelda maker game. Yeah thanks, kataku.


I knew you had my back. Well, that's done. Just a hint of her. I didn't notice that. Is that the one? What's it?


Oh, dude, i'm getting there. So quest master is a pixel art RPG spin on a Nintendo's popular Super Mario maker franchise. So that's you know shots out. Oh it's out. Zach Zwaizen. My bad, I tried his shit's dope read them all the time. But anyway, we've talked a lot about people going back to retro game styles and doing like the glow up with modern technology.


Yeah, all their story They played that's door. That's a nice example.


Great example, right, and I love those games and, like Metro, advanias have had a huge blow up in the indie space. And it's like it's all back, but it's just like refined. It's just it's a. It's a refinement of a different era And it's more accessible and it's cheaper to make and it's still like it's so great That's gonna come for the 3d Zelda games and I'm super here for it And what's the game that you just mentioned from the showcase today?


Dungeons of Hintenberg.


I want to say, when I was watching that I was like this Gives me a little bit more of that. Feel like it's just a tease of it. So who knows, if it's that.


If you know comic art style to, it had like the art style for that game. Look dope.


I wish Nintendo would do it like if they wanted to make like I don't know why they can't, they're just too cool But like if they could make their new style of Zelda and then just have like a different spin-off or it's just Needed to do the Metroid.


They needed to do the Metroid formula. They need to do 3d. Zelda continue doing the breath of the wild shit, but then, like, also make some, like smaller games for us. Come on, let's get. Let's get him going. You got that money.


You gave me like a 20 to 30 hours L, though, where it was just like super sick, meticulous.

Young Fatigue:

Yeah, dude.


Look, give me some links awakening, like just make, just go like, use, use the fucking same System, the same like whatever you call it, that they use for the remake. A links awakening, but make me a new, a new game.


Yeah, i mean there. They're not a huge fan of spread themselves thin, which is respectable, but so indie developers, i think that a space that will open up.


I'm not actually giving businesses a advice to Zelda here, i just wish that they did this shit make Zelda Japanese.


Yeah, give me 3d, temple based, and Zelda again Oh, like I think that would be. I would look for games like that personally, and I'm sure there's some out there. I can name you a few, if you know. In the same way that developers have gone back to old styles and made, though, like new, fresh ideas on top of those, like somebody could make a sick 1990s to early 2000s Zelda like right, like that. Yeah, 90 to 2010, 11 whenever Skyward Sword came out, i think it's 12. Give me that era of Zelda in different ideas and that'd be a sick thing. So any other thoughts other than that really long rant? my bad, no, man.


Brett, the wild is tight fucking. Tears of the kingdom tighter, i don't know. Question mark It's a great like continuation of breath of the wild. It's like a new thing, but it's like picks up right where breath of the Wild left off, and I love it as a sequel. They fucking nailed that shit. And I agree with you, bro. I want some old formula, old format too. I want it all. I want my cake, i want to eat it too, and I want to do it all in Hyrule.


And Xbox have like these super high-powered machines and they're pissing on each other, spending all this money all over the place Off doing their own thing and on this like way, lesser device drop like the tightest game and there's like yeah, no, no bugs.


Dude, that's that's. This game is clean like that, too I'm. They took a year the extra year to do that, and thank you, let's take a little break. Come back side quest dude, here for my unsanctioned sponsor. We've done it for the ladies, now we're doing it for the fellas. Yo, what up, dads? This episode is unofficially brought to you in part, but also officially brought to you in part by Luke, who is a dad, me, who's going to be a dad, and fucking all the dads out there listening holler at the dads.


Bro, he wasn't ready on Mother's Day, but he's ready now, so there's your guy, i wasn't. It's cute, Yeah, So you know, you get a, you get a, you get a training day of Father's Day, but you don't get like the full celebration. But you get to think about Oh, next year, man, next year man.


And for me it is this year. It's my first one, And you know Mother's Day was fun. Have you been killing it, bro? Good job being a dad. I have a Father's Day tradition going on here where I cooked dad ribs, mom went on retreats like five to seven years ago, and she never came home.


She comes home from a retreat.


And I was like I got you dad Cause you know he can cook kind of, but like dad or for some reason he could cook breakfast but no other meal. I don't know why that's a dad.


Ah, frank's and beans. He had that down too, right.


It's a part of our dad shout out. just a general reminder to please, uh, not touch the thermostat and make sure you don't hang up your towel in the way where it's not spread out, Cause the towel can't dry if it's not spread out on the racks.


This is true.


This is true as any father would let you know. You can't, you can't be doing that.


So it's true.


Any other ridiculous dad things that you remember from your childhood that you can think of where you do them as an adult now and you're like, god damn it, he won.


You just tell me what if my little boy ever gets caught playing a really cool Star Wars game where you like shoot things as a bounty hunter, i'm going to pop that disc out and crush it to make a point.


Maybe if you see him playing around with how realistic the game is really when you take your flamethrower and hit the random crowd of innocence, i have a little bit of worried. But maybe don't crush it with a little hammer like a little drama queen.


Tom is playing that thing. That's going to happen, dude. In 12 years we're not even going to have any physical media. How will I destroy it? You can't see it, folks, but a tear just dropped from my eye.


No, dude, I have to say this is that, uh, whenever the wife doesn't fill the ice cubes after emptying the ice cube tray, I turn into this And I'm like, God damn it, am I the only one who feels like I can't silently do it? Everybody has to know that I refilled the ice cube tray because I have become a father and therefore I'm really weird about the thermostat This is the real things that are in my life these days, And I'm really weird about refilling the water, Brita and the ice cube tray And I will.


I will nag anybody and everybody if they don't be keeping up with that.


I do all that shit too though.


It's part of your dad training.


There we go It's true, here's all the dads, yo, here's all the dads out there playing fucking Zelda. Get it, dad. Love you. Dad. I know you ain't listening, but we still love you.


Radio program but, they never showed up.


Oh man, I've also been playing Zelda, to be honest, A little bit. I just had to throw down just to remind myself that I do other things. then play Tears of the Kingdom.


Game pass.


Shout out to Game Pass man. We've been always on Game Pass like talking about the best deal in gaming and shit, but like Game Pass, the cloud man, the gaming cloud that it does. I used to hate on cloud gaming but I'm able to play Game Pass on my Steam Deck on my Xbox. Technically, i can play on my phone. It's great, It's so cool And because of that, granted, i have a pretty good internet connection. That helps. If I didn't, it would be whack, i would not be happy about it.


But I love being able to dabble man Like is you have that huge library, being able to not have to download anything and just dabble in a little game, get a little taste of something, spend tight. No game in particular that I want to shout out for that, but Game Pass in general. But the other game that it's only gotten honestly like an hour or two hours of game time outside of Tears of the Kingdom is the Capcom Arcade Stadium Second Bundle. And I've been waiting for this thing to drop forever because I refuse to pay the Nintendo tasks on this ship, because it's super cheap on Xbox and PC and everything But Nintendo makes you pay like a full-on 40 bucks or some bullshit, but it dropped 50% And I got it And it's a great bucket bundle, man.


There's some good ass games And there I got Gunsmoke 1943's dope. It's got this Capcom sports club game. That's kind of like NBA Jam, but it's like more simple and quicker And it's got more over-the-top arcade shit going on. You can also play soccer and like maybe baseball. It's got three different games. I don't remember how to play the basketball, but I love me playing with my arcade stick dude And I love me playing some old arcade games. I got to do it, man. We're like balls deep in Tears of the Kingdom. Sometimes I need to unplug from Hyrule and do something arcadey, yeah.


No, that's, I play it, I'll be the show. And it's like when I'm like get stressed out of what direction I should head in or why I got lost in some caves for an hour and a half or why the shrine has taken me forever and the solution was actually way easier than it needed to be. It's just nice to go up and just just hit some balls C ball, hit ball.


Yeah, dog.


Like so that's actually been nice. So I feel that the arcadey vibe would be pretty tight.


And then I got my two shows. I finished up Succession and I finished up Ted Lasso And now I don't know what to do with my life. I'm without a show, that, like they put bows on each of those, we're talking final seasons. I mean I know what to do with my life, but I'm had to say goodbye to Succession and Ted Lasso. It's big shit. Both are great. By the way, succession like I don't know how familiar you are with King Lear, but you know it kind of loosely follows that story and it's been. It's great. Right, you watched Succession.


I have not seen a single episode but, i, a lot of podcasts. I listen to talk about it And for some reason it's interesting to hear other people talk about it.


Dude, you'll be in for a treat when you start it.


Yeah, right on, it's fair, it's good.


And it's nice And it's nice that it's done. I like, i like fucking serious that come to a close. and Ted Lasso also came to a close and a lot of hate on the internet for that, that final season. but I dug it, dude, i thought it was tight. I, I stand with my guns. I think there was a. I think the you know the final episode like did a good job And I'm happy. I'm happy with the end of Ted Lasso.


Bill Stahl, I agree with you. Nice Yeah, I see I see, bill dad agrees with you. So I don't know, i guess you know, i think. I think sometimes it's just more interesting to write a thought piece on how you're disappointed with a show or a critique of the show than it is to be like Hey, that was a good time.


So like, i think And that's what that show has always been about. So I'm like get out of here with that shit.


To read those things And I had to imagine it's more compelling to write that than just like it was fine or it was okay.


So, like I haven't seen it, i you know, i don't have my critiques, my critiques of certain character, like arcs and like how things pan out, but at the same time, like I think it was good man, i think it was fun And I enjoyed it. I enjoyed where everything came. You know, it came full circle on a lot of stuff And I think that they did. I thought it was a. It was a, it was a good show.


Yeah, i haven't. I haven't gotten into either. Well, i have. So when I get Apple again, there's two descriptions dog and I don't care to pay Apple in their stupid economy, so like fuck Apple, um, but I'll get there eventually, and then I'll watch Ted Lasso. But what are you gonna do? And then a secession just never ran into it yet. It'll be a nice shoot when you do it. Yeah.


It's good, the acting is good, the writing is really good. Um, it's dope dope series. What'd you got, man, were you been side-question?


So that might be the show It was. Just I really honestly plan on just steady plodding through seasons and like hopefully just until Madden or 2k and just get my sports fixed. But there's, you know, as I'll tell you every month, that's just not very interesting to pot about. So Mario movie finally saw it. Yeah boy, you'll remember Alex telling me he saw the Mario movie and me being like tight. And then there was a pregnant pause and I'm like I don't got anything to say about it. I haven't seen that shit. I've seen that shit. I spent way too much money on it because I wanted to watch it.


Oh, and the digital rights now.


Yeah, like you know as much as that's annoying. I got it on Amazon, which I imagine is an entity for a while, and the kids are going to watch this movie because it's a lot of fun. Critiques of this movie Larius, Because the fuck did you expect Like I want to have Critiques of this movie.


Yeah, yeah.


No, like it's funny If you first of all like the whole like Mario needs to be Italian thing is hilarious because it's like a British guy in an Hispanic and I looked at the original Mario and Luigi for the movie they made in the 90s.


Oh yeah. Yeah, I don't know if that's considered canon, but Chris.


Chris just very fine at his job. I get really worked up about Chris Pratt's performance. It's a waste of your time, in my opinion. I thought everybody else was a lot of fun And I thought.


Jack Black really killed it, man. Yeah, what's his name from? always sunny as Luigi was a lot of fun too. Yeah, charlie Day. Seth Rogen did like people were hating on Donkey Kong too for being Seth Rogen's voice. but it works, man. I was like whatever this dope.


Yeah, and then Anna Joy Taylor was fine, that's good. So I liked it. It's fun. There's tons of like little things I mean. I look forward to watching it.


Visually it's amazing, bro, like it's wild. I'm like cool It looks and they had so many throwbacks like to like our call out, like callbacks to like Mario games and stuff, like I've never seen it. I mean, there's that scene where they do the platforming sequence And I was like that's amazing, That like that's like a fucking, it's a platform video game, right there.




And they start the movie.


They did like a 2D scene where they're like running around And I was just like that's really cool. You know, it was just a lot of fun. It's a short, tight little movie. The plot is about a Mario movie plot. Like I probably could have told you how it was going to shake out and that's very.


I wanted to feel something, Luke. I wanted to go to the Mario movie and feel something.


Peach more of like a badass, which is cool.


Yeah, I think that is cool too. And I'm telling you, Jack Black is Bowser is dope dude. I love it.


Kind of some out of fun And he enjoyed himself the whole time This far the tour and everything. So they'll make more of them. That's already been more or less discussed and that's awesome And I'll watch them all and I'll think they're all really cool And sometimes people like they can't all be the Godfather man, like sometimes. I got to be the Godfather three sometimes sometimes I just want like a good time, and that's exactly what it delivered on is.


it's a good time And it's a good time movie, for sure It's beautiful. What else did you want? What else did you want from the Mario movie? Get out of here, haters.


It's a game based on its mechanics more than a story. Always Right, it's like Zelda is Bill transition to. That's definitely the next movie And highly rumored. Yeah, I mean it's more or less a given, But I kind of wish they would give it to like a smaller studio and not do the whole make it for everybody route, But like they want to make another billion dollars. So I get it. The fuck do I know. But when they make the movie they should make Zelda Japanese.


I'd be dope.


I expect that a laugh, not just make it.


No, this is make a cowboy bebop style. I'd be so excited.


Kind of what I was getting at. The studio I would peg is the one based on Austin that handled it, which wouldn't make an anime, but the one that handled Castlevania dude.


Oh yeah, that'd be a lot of fun. Make it like a little darker.


Doesn't need to be like gross, but like if they just did, like a very highly done series, or like make the action sequence.


That's what was cool about Castlevania, though, is I made the action sequence and so badass you know.


Yeah. so like I've seen some articles and they'll use like the remake for Link's Awakening when they talk about the game, because illumination is it, they do minions.




The Mario movie and it's very cute, right, right.


Yeah, it won't be dark. Well, I won't say anything. Yeah, we'll see. We'll see.


This is like Mario is a ubiquitous mascot. right, that's the point, yeah.

Young Fatigue:

Mario plays golf.


Mario plays tennis. Mario races. Mario does this. Put X right. Mario is meant to be a mascot, literally to challenge Mickey Mouse. So, like Mario is meant to be the most not offensive, most recognizable thing ever. So like Mario doesn't have hot takes. Mario doesn't go through hard times. Mario's goofy Wahoo Perfect for that style of animation and that type of animation house. But I think Nintendo would be remiss to try to make a one size fits all Zelda movie. But it's probably still going to be cool as much as Yeah, no, i feel you.


I asked in the discord. I was like, what do you all think about like Link having a voice? Because I think that's one of the reasons why he lands as such a cool protagonist for me, because I'm able to embody Link. You know, because Link's voice might be like this mute character or whatever who you can see like talking. You know that because people respond to you and like, but you have to like, you always assume or presume his dialogue. There's never even written dialogue for Link. So like get having like Chris Pratt being a personality for Mario's, like whatever, but like adding anyone to Link is going to be trouble, man, because like, because Link's supposed to be you, yeah, I mean in some of the games, if not the original one, you would literally name Link, right, right.


Right, even in even an OOT, you can still rename Link.


I remember from first, but so you know it would be trickier to do. Oh, you mean this.


You've been able to do it since the first. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I don't like. My point is like you can't rename Link. You can't rename Link in Breath of the Wild, correct?


Like they've gone away from it in the more future iterations, which is cool. I'm very okay with that.


Right, i always call Link anyways, yeah, right.


Your callback callback to earlier, when you said it's the same story every time. Like I generally know the loop that it'll be right, He's the hero of time's courage, blah, blah, blah bravery.


I might have a different spice, for sure.


Yeah, And it'll be cool The different references to games but like if it's Slapstick or if it's Goofy, like it's just strange.


So I mean that that shit happens, though That like I mean, xelt's got a Goofy ass humor to it, like the Korok dance and shit like that, where they do get the Maracos and shit. Like you know, it's Xelt like it's silly.


But like also I don't know I think that my dream has always been that they give it to like a cool, gritty studio and they and I've seen other people mention this on Reddit So it's like one of those things where you think you came up with that dope idea. But like more of like an anthology take, where each season or each cluster of episodes is like a different game and art style.


Oh, that'd be cool.


I'd be like super sick, but like you know, they'll do their thing. They'll make another billion dollars and fuck, I'll pay $30 to own it. So they got me. They know they do. And with that, yeah, good job, nintendo, you got us again, yeah, i mean we'll see you next month as we talk more about attaching pots to spears.


Yes, sir. Well, i think we're also going to play six golden coins, dude. So if you got that fucking game, you got the NSO, get out some six golden coins with us. Hit that discord, play along.


A weird Mario game that Alex for some reason had as a child, so he's going to make me play. It's kind of yes, sir, We'll see, i'm just going to play that Castlevania style game that we played earlier And you'll have enough time, man.


Six golden coins doesn't take too long to beat, that's true.


Peace everybody.



Young Fatigue:

I never thought I'd wake alone. What happened a hundred years ago? I wouldn't hear your desperate call. Say wake up. Link, please save us all. I felt a shrine. I got dressed up, race the car in the mushroom cup. I'm too obsessed Having fun. I'll find a way to get there. I'll find cannon when I'm done.

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